Being a regular cast member of Saturday Night Live is almost always going to mean a successful career in the future. Many celebrities started in this sketch comedy show and found themselves at the top, including Eddie Murphy. The comedian has also appeared in other shows and movies, with Dr. Doolittle and The Nutty Professor as the most notable. He also received the Golden Globe for his performance as James Early in the musical Dreamgirls.

As a way to celebrate his birthday and his career taking off, Murphy bought himself a Rolls Royce Phantom Drophead Coupe in 2008. The car was worth at least $400,000 when he bought it, but he considered it a worthy investment. Powered by a V12 engine, this coupe could accelerate from 0 to 60 in just under 6 seconds. With a top speed of 149 mph, Murphy would probably never be late for an appointment.